
Newborn + Big Sister {Arlington, VA Family Milestone Photographer}

I love having the same families in front of my camera.  What started with updating dad's LinkedIn profile has turned into multiple sessions a year, and I've loved watching their daughter grow.  I've also had the joy of watching their family grow!

On a gloomy Saturday morning, I headed to their new house to capture their almost-three-week old baby girl.  The rain took a break long enough to also squeeze in a session for big sister's second birthday.

Sweet nursery window light and outdoor play and trikes and swings and snuggly baby girl....

Family of Three {Arlington, VA Fall Family Photographer}

Sunday morning had what could actually be described as a chill in the air.  A few leaves are starting to turn and fall seems to be arriving.  The morning light was beautiful and the perfect time of year for family photos.

This little guy was adorable.  He led the search for bugs, rocks, leaves, dogs, cats and cars.  His parents were sweet as can be and I was happy not only to meet them but to work in Fairlington again.

Tis the season for my calendar being packed full of photographing your beautiful families!  Stay tuned here for lots of updates and sneak peeks, and as always,


is also full of previews!

And in the spirit of fall and the upcoming holiday season, check out my new

Gift Guide for 2016


A First Birthday Celebration {Alexandria, VA Baby Photographer}

The cutest, pouty-ist lips.

The thickest hair.

The most beautiful siblings and parents.

And the most anti-cake baby I've ever met.

This first birthday session was hilarious and adorable.  This sweet little man acted like we were torturing him to get him to try some cake.  His older siblings were happy to sample, but he was not having it.  However, he was still completely adorable and I loved working with his family!  I'm working on putting together my own baby's cake smash next week and wondering if she'll feel the same way!

Family of Four {Arlington, VA Family Photographer}

My busy photography weekend kicked off Saturday morning with a family of four.  It was baby girl's first photo session and the kids were both troopers considering the toasty weather and humidity.  (And the closed pool within sight!)

I loved the color combination mom picked with oranges and pinks, and I loved the interaction between the two adorable kids.  Big brother's toy truck even helped me work my camera for a few photos.

My summer schedule is full except for tutorial sessions and weeknight high school senior sessions, but I have some fall slots left and I am booking now for the rest of 2016!

More sneak peeks of all this week's fun are on



Chilly Sunday {Fairlington Family Photographer}

When you schedule a session for May 15 in Arlington, VA, you don't usually expect "feels like" temperatures of 40-something degrees, but that's what we had!  Despite the cold wind, I had a great time getting to know this family for their mini-session.

Twice a year, I donate a session for silent auction for causes I love - my church (coming in August) and the school where I taught for over three years.  I'm a fan of these sessions because mini-sessions are a rarity for me, so it's something new, but most importantly, I meet new people and help raise funds for all the great stuff the PTA provides!

We just scheduled a surgery for my older daughter for late June, which means I took some open dates the following week off my calendar.  Book ASAP - Rates change on July 1, but if you book before that, you get the current rate for sessions through the end of 2016!