Professional photos matter.
In a few instances over the years, I’ve found boxes of old family photos. Seeing the smiles of people who passed away long ago, looking at my own chubby toddler face with my best friend, and most importantly, seeing my rarely photographed grandmother…. those prints have become memories.
I got my first "real" camera the day before my oldest daughter was born, and I fell in love with photography while taking pictures of her. She spent three weeks in the NICU and I used that time to do a lot of reading about what would become my passion.
My family currently lives in Bogota, Colombia and I offer sessions here in my beautiful temporary city, as well as when I’m home in Northern Virginia on vacations. For Northern Virginia sessions, contact me to get on my list!
When I’m not taking pictures, I’m a full-time teacher and getting my MA in Special Education. Since I’m also the mom of a child with Down syndrome, I’m happy to photograph your child with a disability.