When you schedule a session for May 15 in Arlington, VA, you don't usually expect "feels like" temperatures of 40-something degrees, but that's what we had! Despite the cold wind, I had a great time getting to know this family for their mini-session.
Twice a year, I donate a session for silent auction for causes I love - my church (coming in August) and the school where I taught for over three years. I'm a fan of these sessions because mini-sessions are a rarity for me, so it's something new, but most importantly, I meet new people and help raise funds for all the great stuff the PTA provides!
We just scheduled a surgery for my older daughter for late June, which means I took some open dates the following week off my calendar. Book ASAP - Rates change on July 1, but if you book before that, you get the current rate for sessions through the end of 2016!