
Vacation Fun {Naples, Florida Photography}

As anyone who  has attempted to book a session in the past week or so learned, I was out of town on an annual Spring Break trip with my family.  We go to Naples, Florida almost every year, and I love spending time on the beach with my camera.  This was baby Caroline's first trip to the beach - I was pregnant with her during our last vacation!

Although carrying a camera and a six month old was a pain, I wanted to document our first vacation as a family of four.

Tie dye at the Children's Museum. 

We wouldn't let her eat sand.  She was pretty angry.

Opportunities for Spring sessions are filling fast - I have two spots left in April and May is quickly filling as well.  I opened my summer calendar so you can book your family and high school senior sessions as well!

For more on the trip, you can check out my personal



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Megan Landmeier Photography


Celebration Special!


Book a photo session this week and receive $10 off your session fee for a summer session... because I love summer!

Applies to any session booked between now and June 26 with a $25 deposit paid this week.  Good for any session date through August 21, 2015 and for any type of session - family, child/baby, or high school senior session.

Know anyone who might want to take advantage?  Share on Facebook!

Dreaming of Summer.

Summer is my favorite time of year, and my daughter's favorite, too!  This is partially because I grew up in Southern California and went to college in Santa Barbara, and partially because I'm a teacher.

I'll be taking the upcoming school year off to stay home with my new baby girl.  Since I'll be about eight and a half months pregnant this summer, we don't have any big vacation plans, but I've been dreaming of summer and counting down until our break begins!

Since these are throwback photos, they are all from the days prior to the launch of this website.  You may notice some are watermarked with my personal blog,, where I write about my daughter with Down syndrome.  She was my practice model long before I started my business!