First Sari: A Beautiful Tween Event

In South India, a girl receives her first sari as a gift from her maternal grandmother in a ceremony surrounded by family and friends. Although N’s maternal grandmother is no longer living, N was surrounded by family and friends while she received her first sari, gifts, advice and love a couple weeks ago.

The tradition begins with a bath in rose petals, and then many hands dressed N in her sari, brushed and blow dried and styled her hair, applied her makeup, and assisted with jewelry and bindi.

We took photos outside, then she came downstairs to greet a crowd of women and girls, accompanied by all of the little girls present, all decked out in beautiful traditional Indian clothes.

N received prayers, blessings, advice and bible verses, she was given gifts and flowers. She was glowing and beautiful, and I could not be happier to be part of her life.